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        Senior Consulting Manager




        北京市 | 本科 | 5-10年

        工作地點:北京市 所屬部門:System Intergra
        職位類別:咨詢經理 招聘人數:1 人

        Job Description
        1.Responsible for business solution consulting: business strategy definition, IT strategy consulting, road map definition, delivery related consulting work in multi industry areas, especially in Automotive, Chemical, Person Health and Fitness sporting product, Hi-tech, Manufacturing industries segments.
        2.Responsible for pre-sales in MES, MDM and related ERP integration opportunities: analyze opportunities based on SWOT, define and prepare solutions with delivery team inside or partners; define winning strategy with sales together. Prepare internal cost calculation and external sales price according to company requirements; present solution on customer side and communicate with customer for final solution definition.
        3.Align with internal or external resources to define solutions and win deals, should have related KPI such as Revenue and Project Profit Margin
        4.Responsible for assigned project and managing delivery. Including monitoring project schedule, reporting, quality assurance and managing project financials.
        1.More than 10 years working experience, especially in consulting MNC company
        2.Proven successful consulting project experience or MES/MDM/ERP pre-sales experience.
        3.Very familiar with MES technologies, especially Siemens or Schneider or SAP MES product, ERP experience/knowledge is plus
        4.Excellent communication skills and presentation skills
        5.Excellent documentation skills, very familiar with related software
        6.English: business fluent

        學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:5-10年
        年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
        語言要求:普通話,英語 專業要求:不限
        公司性質:其它 公司規模:500-999人

        源訊是全球數字化變革領導者,年收入約120億歐元,在72個國家和地區擁有 100,000名員工。源訊作為歐洲大數據、網絡安全和數字化平臺的領先者,為遍布全球的客戶提供云服務、基礎設施建設及數字化管理、商業及平臺解決方案,并通過歐洲支付和交易服務領導者 Worldline 提供交易服務。憑借尖端科技、數字化專長和行業知識,源訊服務于各行業客戶,包括制造、醫療、傳媒和公用事業部門、公共部門、零售、電信和運輸、國防、金融服務等。源訊是奧運會和殘奧會全球信息技術合作伙伴,并在巴黎歐洲交易所主板上市。源訊旗下的品牌包括Atos、Atos Consulting、Atos Worldgrid、Bull、Canopy、Unify 和 Worldline。
