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        好獵頭網-中高級人才獵頭網站!服務熱線:400-1801-668 好獵頭   |   登錄 注冊
        首頁 > 人才求職

        Automotive Auditor 汽車領域審核員




        廣州市 | 本科 | 5-10年

        工作地點:廣州市 所屬部門:Systems
        職位類別:體系認證工程師/審核員 招聘人數:1 人

        Job Description:
        --Be responsible for the Management System assessment and ensure all on-site audit activities are conducted professionally
        -Prepare auditing plan, document check, checklists and the auditing report.
        -When being an audit project leader, assists the training activities and fully responsible for the audit quality.
        -Act as the sales role to introduce the service to clients/potential clients.
        -Advise any areas that needs improvements

        Job Requirement:
        -Comply with basic register requirements of IATF TS16949 3rd party auditor
        -Minimum professional experience: 6 automotive industry(or similar) work experience in past 10 years, herein as minimum 2 years related quality
        -Specialty Know how: automotive industry special core tools (e.g. FMEA, SPC, MSA etc.)
        -Team work spirit

        學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:5-10年
        年齡要求:不限 性別要求:不限
        語言要求:普通話 專業要求:不限
        公司性質:其它 公司規模:500-999人

        TüV 是德文“技術監督協會”的縮寫。1872 年,德國萊茵TüV集團創立于德國的萊茵河畔。130多年來,秉承德國嚴謹文化,德國萊茵TüV集團從最初的鍋爐監督協會發展為德國官方授權的政府監督機構以及享譽全球的國際性認證公司。現已在全球50多個國家及地區設立了逾300 個分支機構。


        TüV Rheinland Group China
        TüV is the German abbreviation of "Technical Supervision Association".
        The TüV Rheinland Group was founded in 1872,on the banks of the Rhine in Germany. For more than 130 years we have provided safety and a high quality of life through our emphasis on the strictest of standards. From our origins as the Pressure Vessel Survey Association, we developed
        into an inspection body officially accredited by the German government, and are now a world owned international certification company, which has set up more than 100 companies at 300 locations in over 50 countries and regions.

        Since 1988, when TüV Rheinland Group China established its subsidiary in Hong Kong, we have developed a wide service network covering 8 major cities to provide professional certification services for Chinese manufacturers. Backed by German experts stationed permanently in China, we have continuously extended our service scope.
        We have also developed a strong team of Chinese certification engineers and auditors to localize our services. Our business scope covers five streams, including industrial services, mobility and transport, product safety and quality, education and training, and IT and innovation services.
