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        好獵頭網-中高級人才獵頭網站!服務熱線:400-1801-668 好獵頭   |   登錄 注冊
        首頁 > 蘇州招聘 > 人才求職





        蘇州市 | 本科 | 3-5年

        工作地點:蘇州市 所屬部門:質量部
        職位類別:品質保證/質量控制經理 招聘人數:1 人
        匯報對象:Operation Direc

        ****: Suzhou - Taicang

        直接的:Tool Management & Prototyping Director (Greater China) 平時在中國
        間接的:Vice President Quality Tool Management & Prototyping (Quality Director Greater China) 平時在德國

        直接的: SU_ Regional Quality Assurance (Greater China)
        SU_ Quality Planning _ Prototype
        SU_ Quality Inspection Tool Shop
        SU_ Quality Inspection Prototype Center

        1) Position ****ive職位目標
        This person is mainly responsible for developing, revising and implementing quality system and standards in all tool and prototype management areas in Greater China, and also for maintaining high levels of customer satisf**** and consistently meeting the requirements from internal and external customer.

        I. Position Data職位信息
        2) Qualification資格(what kind of person is qualified in this position什么人可以勝任該職位)
        Critical Competencies關鍵能力
        - Willingness to change
        - Goal focus
        - Thinking outside the box
        - Entrepreneurial thinking and acting
        - Customer focus
        - Team Play
        - Communication
        - Social and intercultural sensitivity
        - Powers of fascination

        Other Critical Competencies其它的關鍵能力
        - Familiar with TS16949 ISO9001 Quality Management Systems.
        - Familiar with Quality Management Tools and Methods.
        - Familiar with metrology
        - Advanced Leadership
        - Advanced at communication skill
        - Good knowledge about mechanical technology
        - Fluent English

        Required Education & Experience教育背景及工作經驗
        - Technical Education from University
        - More than 5 years experience in quality management system on mechanical field.

        3) Tasks任務 (de****ion of main tasks主要任務描述)
        - Build up & Developing Quality Team in Tool & Prototype management organization incl. measuring rooms.
        - Implementing and securing the quality Management System in Tool and Prototype Management.
        - Budget and monitor the quality related cost of Tool & Prototype Management.
        - Secure the quality control process for Tool & Prototype manufacture.
        - Implementing the quality assurance activities in Tool & Prototype Center.
        - Maintaining high levels of customer satisf**** and consistently meeting the requirements from internal and external customer of Tool and Prototype.
        - Support internal and external quality Audits
        - Support and take initiatives on Fit for Quality
        - Support and take initiatives on MOVE
        - Support and take initiatives on Health, Safety & Security
        - Support on Environmental Management
        - Support on Internal Control
        - Support on Excellence

        學歷要求:本科 工作經驗:3-5年
        年齡要求:38-28歲 性別要求:不限
        公司性質:外商獨資 公司規模:1000-9999人

